Sometimes, when you hear the word 'addiction', your mind quickly starts conjuring images of people under the influence of hardcore drugs such as cocaine and marijuana. Funny enough, we're all addicts in our little (or big) way. There
are certain things we do, places we go, things we eat or drugs we take
that provide some kind of stimuli or sensation to the brain that's
unlike anything you have ever felt in your entire life and your body
keeps craving more and more.
The brain attaches a great deal of importance to that 'thing', seeing it as quick feel-good means and you consequently get addicted. If that's your case, then Houston, we have a problem. Addiction is a condition characterised by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences. It is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. So with this post, we're going to identify and tackle some of our addictions. Sit back, relax and let's play a game. 😏 After reading this, I want you to type in
the comments which one (or more) of the 10 addictions below you suffer
from. Simple right? Let's get on with it then, here are 10 surprising
things you may be addicted to.
Surprising addiction 1: Surfing the internet
can never really think of a more pleasant way to pass time than
spending time browsing the internet. Surfing the internet is surely one
of the best ways to relax on the planet. It strangely has a way of
meeting our every need and altering our mood; If you're lonely there are
dating sites that promise to find you the perfect partner, If you're
just bored to death You can just check out funny and amazing videos on
YouTube, there's Facebook, News etc. All these are available at just a
swipe of your Smartphone's screen.
researchers in China revealed that internet addiction actually alters
the brain in a similar way addiction to drugs and alcohol does. It is
thought that sufferers of Internet addiction disorder (IAD) could
face similar symptoms to those suffering from other addictions,
including withdrawal symptoms. One study of users of internet-ready
smartphones found that many are so addicted to their device they now
hear “phantom vibrations” in their desperation to receive a
message. Sometimes I even hear my cell phone ring in my head when in
reality, my cellphone's battery is flat.
Surprising addiction 2: Falling in love
all know that one person who goes from relationship to relationship,
never seeming to spend more than five minutes alone. You may think that
there is no greater feeling than having someone care and love you for no
apparent reason (even if there is). Everyone wants to find love someday
(I really do 😟), but if you find yourself jumping from one
relationship to another with the inability to stay single for a month,
then you're addicted to falling in love. Yep, that heart-racing,
euphoric feeling of falling in love... turns out you can get hooked on it.
According to psychologist Arthur Aron,
who led a study investigating love addiction, falling in love activates
the same system in the brain as drug addiction, making you crave that
feeling again as soon as the first flush of love starts to fade. You
find yourself crushing on almost every beautiful girl you see until
eventually you get crushed. If that's your story, I want to see your
comment below.
Surprising addiction 3: Sugar
Everyone seems to be writing songs about 'Sugar' lately, describing ladies or lips to be "♪ Sweet like sugar, Love so sweet like sugar ♪ ", and
many other weird lyrics. Well, I can't really blame them. We all crave
our favourite sweet treat from time to time, but did you know that you
may actually be addicted to snacks such as doughnuts and chocolate?
Studies have suggested that when we eat sugary snacks, chemicals called Opioids are
released in the brain, leading to intense feelings of pleasure, and it
is this feeling we often crave in the absence of sugar. In fact,
according to research by a University of California team, sugar is both
as damaging and as addictive as both alcohol and cigarettes.
Surprising addiction 4: Tattoos and piercings
While it may sound impossible for people to get addicted to having their bodies inked and pierced
from head to toe, many people who start out with the intention of
getting one tattoo or piercing will feel compelled to get more, which
can feel like an addiction.
While it is debatable whether this is a true addiction, it is certainly a compulsion for many, which may be partly down to the rush of feel-good Endorphins which are released during the process of getting a tattoo to help you cope with the pain.
Surprising addiction 5: Work
everyone looks forward to weekends and TGIFs so that they can finally
escape the stress and tension associated with their jam-packed schedules
on weekdays. There are actually some people who suffer from work addiction
and these weekends we so much crave for to stay away from the office or
school may not be quite as treasured. While many of us jokingly use the
term “workaholic”, research suggests this is a real condition
that can jeopardise sufferers’ health and relationships – it is not
simply a case of “working hard”.
According to a Spanish study, around 12% of workers in Spain suffer from the addiction, while in Japan “death by overwork” (karoshi) is thought to cause an estimated 1000 deaths per year. If you would rather spend 80%
of your time working than spend time building relationships and hanging
out with friends and family, you may be suffering from work addiction.
Surprising addiction 6: Tanning
Research findings published in the journal, Addiction Biology,
suggest that exposure to ultraviolet rays in the form of sunshine or
tanning beds can cause changes in brain activity similar to drug
addiction, keeping you hooked on tanning. According to Dr Bryon Adinoff,
an author of the study, the brain responds to UV light in areas that
are associated with reward, causing some people to develop an addiction (Tanorexia) despite the potentially fatal health risks of tanning.
Surprising addiction 7: Video games
Here is my favourite addiction. I'm a typical Football Manager addict.
Yeah, I know it's bad but I can't go 30 minutes in a day without
thinking of my next match, my next tactic, why I lost a previous match,
what players to buy next... You get the idea. Across the world,
teenagers are holed up in their rooms in front of television or computer
screens feverishly playing video games, yet research suggests this may
not be as harmless as it seems.
A 2006 BBC-reported lecture revealed that 12%
of online gamers polled reported some addictive behaviours, while many
countries across the world have set up treatment centres to deal with
this growing addiction. Just like any addiction, compulsive gaming can
jeopardise relationships and careers, and there have even been cases of
excessive gamers dying from exhaustion.
Surprising addiction 8: Shopping
of us love buying something new, whether it is the latest
life-enhancing gadget or a gift for a loved one (iPhone 7 😃 ). However,
for some, buying new things can become a destructive addiction.
Shopping addiction, or Oniomania, is thought to be caused by a rush of endorphin and dopamine which cause the shopper to experience a temporary “high feeling”
which they want to experience again and again. Many shopping addicts
use shopping as a way to escape from negative feelings or situations in
their life, however, the addiction can actually lead to further problems
both financially and emotionally.
Surprising addiction 9: Lip balm
not a chemical addiction compared to that of alcohol and cigarettes,
applying lip balm can definitely be habit-forming. This is because while
lip balm offers a temporary moisture boost for dry lips, it can
interfere with the process of cellular turnover and the production of
natural moisture, leading you to apply more and more lip balm to counter
these drying effects.
it may not be life-threatening or recognised as an official illness,
many websites and Facebook groups have been set up dedicated to this
potentially expensive addiction.
Surprising addiction 10: Music
all have our favourite songs, the ones we listen to over and over again
until we eventually start to hate it, but did you ever consider you
could be addicted to your favourite music? According to a study by
researchers at McGill University, you may well be. The study revealed that when we listen to music we experience a natural “high feeling” and our body releases dopamine,
a neurotransmitter also released when people take drugs or eat
pleasurable foods. According to the researchers, dopamine makes us want
to repeat behaviours, which is the reason we can become addicted to our
favourite music.
Okay, that was revealing. Now we had a deal before you started reading this and we agreed to play a game. We at Jocular Hq want you to type in the comment box which of the above 10 addictions you suffer from. It's pretty easy and wouldn't even take 15 Seconds of your time. At the end, we should be able to have an overview of which Addiction is more popular. So let the comments begin.
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